does web services user always need to have global assigned Administrator role?

Craig's Avatar


Feb 02, 2011 @ 05:49 PM

Does the web services user have to have the global assigned Administrator role to work correctly? Or what rights does it need to work as web services to create any assets in a site (and asset factories and such)? It seems my script won’t even work on Manager global role, and has to have Administrator, then it goes through w/o any errors. We have a site-level role set up, but that doesn’t seem to matter. The web services user can log into the web site and create assets though, even as the base Global Role at global, with proper site-level role set.


  1. 1 Posted by Bradley Wagner on Feb 02, 2011 @ 08:24 PM

    Bradley Wagner's Avatar

    I believe this discussion is related to this post.

    The short answer here is that a user should be able to do the same things through Web Services that he/she can do through the web interface.

  2. Bradley Wagner closed this discussion on Feb 02, 2011 @ 08:26 PM.

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