Publisher Concurrency
I am looking for ways to speed up our overnight scheduled
publishing jobs. I am looking at Publisher Concurrency in the
preferences section. This is currently set to Medium. What does
this setting do for publishing? I had seen a statement that setting
this to Heavy was OK if the server has adequate resources. How
would you define "adequate resources"?
Thanks for any advice.
-Eric M.
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1 Posted by Joel on 08 Feb, 2011 08:15 PM
Hi Eric,
Adequate resources refers to sufficient memory as well as CPU processing ability, on both the database side and the application server side. It's hard to say what this value is however since it's rather inconsistent, so you will just have to monitor the server during the times of publishing to find a good memory allocation value (if needed).
emumpton closed this discussion on 14 Feb, 2011 07:30 PM.