Could not parse feed location
Our Twitter Feed Blocks have been periodically returning this error:
An error occurred: Could not parse feed location Server returned HTTP response code: 400 for URL:
When this happens, it affects all of our Twitter feed blocks, even though the URLs work fine outside of Cascade.
Although our symptoms are similar to this post's, I wonder if the 400 error suggests it might be a different problem?
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1 Posted by Joel on 12 Sep, 2011 02:33 PM
If it does indeed look similar (and in my opinion it does), then I would ask your system administrator to check the application server (as well as any intermediary server) for a potential firewall that could be running. Please let me know what you find.
2 Posted by shopmyes on 15 Sep, 2011 04:21 PM
Hey Joel,
I'd agree if not for the fact that Erik reports that it's intermittent. I just tried to curl and wget the URL above from the app server and it seemed to work fine. I can certainly get a monitor on the server and actually fire up a real browser and try too, but I'd think curl and wget should act mostly the same?
3 Posted by Joel on 15 Sep, 2011 04:24 PM
Since it's intermittent and given Twitter's history of uptime issues and bandwidth problems, I think this is largely attributed to just that, Twitter being down at the time this occurs. You can verify by hoping onto the application server, or possibly another server to see if Twitter is down at the same time, although I think it will be difficult to pinpoint being that Twitter's downtime is usually a matter of minutes, but it does occur all too often.
Joel closed this discussion on 25 Oct, 2011 01:56 PM.