Cascade.bat file

tamf-admin's Avatar


01 Sep, 2011 08:41 PM

I'm upgrading from 6.74 to 6.83. My current cascade.bat file has the following information:

set JAVA_OPTS=-Xms1260M -Xmx1260M -XX:MaxPermSize=192m -Djava.awt.headless=true -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8

The cascade.bat file from the 6.83 has the following information:

set JAVA_OPTS=-Xmx768M -XX:MaxPermSize=192m -Djava.awt.headless=true -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8

Do I need to use the new information from the 6.83 upgrade installation instructions?


  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Tim on 02 Sep, 2011 07:38 PM

    Tim's Avatar

    Hi Cameshia,

    How are you performing the upgrade? Typically the upgrade will leave these particular files untouched. Anyhow, you will want to copy/paste the JAVA_OPTS line from your old cascade.bat file into your new one.

    Let me know if you have any further questions.


  2. 2 Posted by Cameshia Cargle on 02 Sep, 2011 08:03 PM

    Cameshia Cargle's Avatar

    Hi Tim,

    I used the root.war to upgrade Cascade.

    Will be sure to copy the JAVA_OPTS...file into the cascade.bat file.



    Cameshia D. Cargle
    Network Administrator

    Texas A&M Foundation  |  S P I R I T  A N D  M I N D

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  3. Support Staff 3 Posted by Tim on 06 Sep, 2011 12:37 PM

    Tim's Avatar

    Hi Cameshia,

    If you are using the ROOT.war method (see Method 2 under each O/S here), the cascade.bat file is not modified. Remember, however, that if you are running as a Windows service, the cascade.bat file isn't used anyhow. Instead, your memory allocation will need to be configured as mentioned here.

    Hope this helps to clear things up.

  4. 4 Posted by Cameshia Cargle on 06 Sep, 2011 01:07 PM

    Cameshia Cargle's Avatar

    Hi Tim,

    Thanks again. I have received several e-mails from you with this information. All is well.



    Cameshia D. Cargle
    Network Administrator

    Texas A&M Foundation  |  S P I R I T  A N D  M I N D

    4 0 1   G E O R G E   B U S H   D R I V E
    C O L L E G E   S T A T I O N ,  T E X A S   7 7 8 4 0 - 2 8 1 1
    T E L  800-392-3310    979-847-8700,  168   
    F A X  979-458-3101


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  5. Tim closed this discussion on 06 Sep, 2011 01:08 PM.

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