Issue with site roles.
We don't want the users of one site to have any abilities to view or edit other sites, so we have not assigned any global roles to default users. We have assigned Site Contributor; we didn't assign Site Administrator because we don't want a user to be able to redefine the automatically-created site-specific Destination. It appears that Site Contributors don't have any default objects in the "New" dropdown, so it's not clear how they create new pages, for example. Would a Site Contributor have access to an Asset Factory? It seems like there isn't much a Site Contributor can do, but I don't know whether to restrict the privs of a Site Administrator, increase the privs of a Site Contributor, or maybe I'm missing the point altogether.
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1 Posted by jcclark on 26 May, 2011 11:02 PM
Clarification: we haven't assigned any Global roles other than Contributor.
Support Staff 2 Posted by Tim on 31 May, 2011 05:21 PM
Hi Curtis,
This is controlled by the Groups field in your Asset Factories. Try this:
Also, if the Asset Factories for your Site are located within containers, you'll need to edit those containers and make sure that the Applicable Groups field is set correctly as well.
Let me know if this helps.
Tim closed this discussion on 01 Jul, 2011 02:14 PM.