64-bit Java implementation

Joshua Ellis's Avatar

Joshua Ellis

Apr 15, 2013 @ 03:59 PM

Good morning,

We currently have Cascade installed using 32-bit Java but would like to implement the 64-bit. Can we get specific step-by-step instructions on how to start using the 64-bit Java with Cascade 7.0.5

Which Java do we download?
Where do we get it?
How do we start using it?

Thank you,
Joshua Ellis

  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Tim on Apr 15, 2013 @ 04:12 PM

    Tim's Avatar

    Hi Joshua,

    We actually started providing 64-bit installers with our 7.2+ release which you can find here. So, you could download the latest release of Cascade (64-bit), install it to a new location, then configure it to point to your existing database.

    If you are looking to stay on 7.0.5, you'll need to download and install JRE 1.6 (64-bit) and then configure Cascade to use that JRE. On Windows machines, you'll need to perform an additional step which includes downloading the 64-bit version of Tomcat and then copying a handful of files over into the Cascade installation. Then, you'll need to modify the Windows service to use JRE 1.6 as well.

    I would highly recommend going with one of our 64-bit installers, but if you do wish to stay on 7.0.5 let me know and I can provide more details steps.


  2. 2 Posted by Joshua Ellis on Apr 15, 2013 @ 05:17 PM

    Joshua Ellis's Avatar

    Thank you for the incredible response time!

    We are using a Windows machine and have decided to stay on version 7.0.5 for the moment; there are several major projects in progress we don't want to add extra risk to.

    May we request detailed step-by-step instructions to turn over to support staff at the state data center?

    Thank you sir,
    Joshua Ellis

  3. Support Staff 3 Posted by Tim on Apr 15, 2013 @ 05:33 PM

    Tim's Avatar

    Not a problem! Here are the steps you'll need to take (make sure Cascade is stopped):

    Step 1: Install a 64-bit JVM

    • Download the Windows x64 JRE (Java 6) from the Oracle web site here
    • Install the Windows x64 JRE

    Step 2: Download 64-bit Tomcat

    • Download the 64-bit Windows zip file for Tomcat from here
    • Unzip the file into a temporary location

    Step 3: Copy service files

    • Copy the following files from the extracted Tomcat archive:

      • bin\tcnative-1.dll
      • bin\tomcat6.exe
      • bin\tomcat6w.exe
    • Paste all 3 files from above into your Cascade Server installation directory under tomcat\bin (be sure to overwrite the existing files!)

    Step 4: Configure the service

    • Navigate to the \tomcat\bin directory inside the Cascade Server installation folder and find the file named tomcat6w.exe
    • Make a copy of this file and rename it cascadew.exe
    • Double-click the file cascadew.exe
    • In the configuration UI click on the Java tab
    • In the Java Virtual Machine field, select jvm.dll from the 64-bit JRE that was installed in Step 1 (located in bin/server in the Java installation directory)
    • In the Java Options field, add the following value on a new line: -XX:MaxPermSize=192m
    • Enter a value for the Initial memory pool field (preferably 2000M or more)
    • Enter a value for the Maximum memory pool field (preferably 2000M or more...must be larger than initial memory pool)
    • Click Apply, then click OK
  4. 4 Posted by Joshua Ellis on Apr 29, 2013 @ 03:10 PM

    Joshua Ellis's Avatar

    These instructions were exactly what was needed at our Data Center. Thank you very much.

  5. Joshua Ellis closed this discussion on Apr 29, 2013 @ 03:10 PM.

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