Use Web URL to publish to a different domain
I may not understand how to use the Destination's Web URL. Or else I'm asking if I can bypass Sites when I want to.
We're planning some small one-off microsites that won't be used very much. I was hoping to ask our IT administrators to set up a single new Site called to house all the microsites. Within the Base Folder, I would create a folder for each microsite. I wanted to create a Destination for each microsite, and use the Web URL to designate the actual URL for the site. If the Web URL in my first Destination was, I wanted links to site1 on the web-server site to be rewritten as when published to that destination. In fact, I set the Web URL to "" for the default destination on the Content Type for /site1/index, but I can't get that URL to appear in links - only
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1 Posted by Ryan Griffith on Jul 30, 2013 @ 12:59 PM
Hi Michael,
This should work, but there are a few requirements that need to be met in order for the Destination's Web URL to be used. These requirements are:
tag or simply linking to a page that has a different default Configuration.More information can be found on the Destination page in our Knowledge Base.
So what we need to confirm is if each of your sub-sites have Pages using their own Configuration Sets and have Content Types mapped to specific Destinations with unique Web URLs.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
2 Posted by Michael McGinni... on Jul 31, 2013 @ 04:12 PM
Thanks. I had read the documentation several times but I got it to work when I confirmed the basics of "what we need to confirm," as you put it. That is, if the sub-site's Content Types are set to publish to a certain Web URL, Cascade will be able to figure that out when it creates the links to the sub-site.
3 Posted by Ryan Griffith on Jul 31, 2013 @ 04:29 PM
Thank you for following up, Michael. I am glad to hear you were able to get things working.
I'm going to go ahead and close this discussion, please feel free to comment or reply to re-open if you have any additional questions.
Have a great day!
Ryan Griffith closed this discussion on Jul 31, 2013 @ 04:29 PM.