Have multiple workflows for the same asset.
Here's my situation. I have 2 workflows.
Workflow 1 is used for any general page assets in the system (create/delete/copy/edit).
Workflow 2 is used for a particular type of asset and only takes effect for create/delete/copy.
Workflow 1 is set on the Base Folder, and Inherited by all assets underneath.
Workflow 2 is assigned to the particular asset type in the Asset Factory for that asset (workflow mode: As selected below)
I have a home page asset, at in the base folder that I would like to use Workflow 1 for Edits, and use Workflow 2 for copy, create, delete.
But it's not working that way. When I create the home page asset it used the correct workflow, but when I try and edit/copy/delete the existing home page asset in that folder it used workflow 1.
Is it possible to get this to work?
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Support Staff 1 Posted by Tim on Oct 12, 2015 @ 05:41 PM
Unfortunately, since the Workflow specified at the Asset Factory doesn't persist along with the asset after its creation, this isn't possible at the current time. I did find this idea on our Idea Exchange which seems related to this functionality, so I would encourage you to vote/comment on that when you have the chance.
In the meantime, the only way I can think of to get this to work would be to have it so that the particular type of asset that needs Workflow 2 goes into a specific Folder location that you specify at the Asset Factory level using the Placement Folder field. Then, you could just make sure to set the Workflow on that folder so that any edits to child Pages within it trigger Workflow 2.
Let me know if you need anything else.
Tim closed this discussion on Oct 30, 2015 @ 03:23 PM.