Scheduled Publishing, different times for different days
We currently use Scheduled Publishing to publish all of our sites every night. We have staggered the site publishes to be every few minutes, so we end up publishing from about 1am to 5am.
Our IT department has server/network maintenance windows a couple nights a week where systems may be rebooted or lose connection to each other. This has caused some jobs to fail on those nights, and occasionally caused issues where we would need to manually clear the publish queue and then restart the cascade service to get everything running smoothly again.
I was wondering if there is a scheduled publishing option that would allow us to set sites to publish at their normal 1am time 5 days a week, and then publish at 8pm the other two days. I looked at the Cron Expression information: but it doesn't sound like this can achieve what we are wanting to do.
I assume the only alternative is to change site publishing to 5 days a week, then create a publish set that publishes the root folder of the site the other two days at a different time? I was hoping to keep it all at the site publishing level for easier maintenance/visibility.
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Support Staff 1 Posted by Tim on Mar 05, 2015 @ 05:15 PM
Hey Justin,
This is correct. One thing you may want to do is to disable the Site publish entirely, then just create 2 separate Publish Sets (that will both publish the root Folder of the Site) with similar names. Ex:
This way you'll at least have both assets in the same place so that you can more easily track your scheduled publishes in one place.
Hope this helps. Let me know if you have any additional questions.
Justin "JET" Turner closed this discussion on Mar 05, 2015 @ 08:51 PM.