#set ( $callingPageData = $_XPathTool.selectSingleNode($contentRoot, "/system-index-block/calling-page/system-page") ) #set ( $formConfigContent = $_XPathTool.selectSingleNode($callingPageData, "system-data-structure/resultsFile/form-config/content/system-data-structure")) #set ( $siteName = $callingPageData.getChild("system-data-structure").getChild("resultsFile").getChild("saveInSite").text) #set ( $waysToSave = $_XPathTool.selectNodes($callingPageData, "system-data-structure/results/value")) #set ( $dataDefType = $_XPathTool.selectSingleNode($callingPageData, "system-data-structure/resultsFile/dataDefType").value) #set ( $emailSend = "") #set ( $excelSave = "") #set ( $cmsSave = "") #foreach ($wayToSave in $waysToSave) #if ($wayToSave.text == "send-email") #set ( $emailSend = "send-email") #elseif ($wayToSave.text == "save-to-excel") #set ( $excelSave = "save-to-excel") #elseif ($wayToSave.text == "save-to-cms") #set ( $cmsSave = "save-to-cms") #end #end [system-view:external] 0){ //POSTED FORM, PROCESS IT require ("[system-asset:id=73a499170a08fa1001165e216cc23b9f]/php/class-excel-xml.inc.php[/system-asset]"); $message = ""; $subject = "${callingPageData.getChild('system-data-structure').getChild('ifEmailing').getChild('emailHeading').text}"; $from_address = "${callingPageData.getChild('system-data-structure').getChild('ifEmailing').getChild('fromAddress').text}"; $xmlContentInt = ""; $sendEmail = ("${emailSend}" != "") ? true : false; $excelFile = ("${excelSave}" != "") ? true : false; $cmsFile = ("${cmsSave}" != "") ? true : false; $toArray = array(); $required_fields = array(); // Holds the field names of fields that are required $form_fields = array(); // Holds the field names of all fields provided in the submitted data $form_values = array(); // Holds the values of all fields provided in the submitted data $form_submitted = true; // indicates if the form can be submitted or if it had data entry errors function getParentFolderOutOfPath($path){ return substr($path, 0, strripos($path,'/')); } // Go through each post request and add the information to the message and to the content of the xml file foreach($_POST as $key => $value) { if ((substr($key, -1 * strlen("_REQUIRED")) == "_REQUIRED") and ($value == "T")) { // If a required field is found within the submit data ${_EscapeTool.d}required_fields[substr($key, 0, strlen($key) - strlen("_REQUIRED"))] = true; } elseif(($key != "send-email")and($key != "save-to-cms") and ($key != "save-to-excel") and ($key != "form-config") and ($key != "emails")) { if (is_array($value)){ // If this is a field that actually provides the script with submitted content ${_EscapeTool.d}form_fields[] = "$key"; ${_EscapeTool.d}form_values[] = implode(", ", $value); $message .= "$key: ".implode(", ", $value)."\r\n"; }else{ // If this is a field that actually provides the script with submitted content ${_EscapeTool.d}form_fields[] = "$key"; ${_EscapeTool.d}form_values[] = "$value"; $message .= "$key: $value\r\n"; } } } // Check that all required fields were adequately provided $unsatisfied_fields = array(); // A list of names of the required fields that have no submitted data foreach($form_fields as $field) { if(isset($required_fields["$field"]) and $_POST["$field"] == "") { // If one of the form fields are required and has no data provided ${_EscapeTool.d}unsatisfied_fields[] = "$field"; // Add the field name to the list of unsatisfied required fields } } if(!empty($unsatisfied_fields)) { // If not all the required fields had submitted data provided echo "Error: The following required fields were not provided:

The form's data was not sent. Please hit the 'Back' button, fill in the required fields mentioned above, and resubmit the form.
"; // indicate that the form had data entry errors $form_submitted = false; } if ($form_submitted) { // If the send email option was chosen, send the email if($sendEmail) { #set ( $emailAddresses = $_XPathTool.selectNodes($callingPageData, "system-data-structure/ifEmailing/email-address")) #foreach ($emailAddress in $emailAddresses) ${_EscapeTool.d}toArray[] = "${emailAddress.text}"; #end $to = ""; // Create the comma-delimited list of receiving email addresses that are having this form's submitted data emailed to for($i = 0; $i < count($toArray) - 1; $i++) { $to .= $toArray[$i].", "; } $to .= ${_EscapeTool.d}toArray[count($toArray) - 1]; $headers = "From: $from_address\r\n"; if (!mail($to,$subject,$message,$headers)) { // Send the email, and if the email was not successfully sent echo "Error: Email could not be sent...
"; // Notify the user that the email containing the user's form data was not sent } } // If CMS file or Excel file option was chosen, get CMS information if($cmsFile || $excelFile) { $cascade_address = "${formConfigContent.getChild('cascadeAddress').text}"; $username = "${formConfigContent.getChild('username').text}"; $password = "${formConfigContent.getChild('password').text}"; $fname = "${callingPageData.getChild('system-data-structure').getChild('resultsFile').getChild('xmlFileName').text}"; $client = new SoapClient("https://cascade.wit.edu/ws/services/AssetOperationService?wsdl", array('trace' => 1)); } // If CMS File option was chosen, upload to CMS if($cmsFile) { $contentTypePath = "${formConfigContent.getChild('contentTypePath').text}"; $path = "${callingPageData.getChild('system-data-structure').getChild('resultsFile').getChild('formPath').getChild('path').text}"; if(!is_null($path) and ($path != "/")){ $folder = getParentFolderOutOfPath($path); try { $page = array(); $page['name'] = $fname; $page['parentFolderPath'] = $folder; $page['siteName'] = $siteName; $page['contentTypePath'] = $contentTypePath; $page['structuredData']['structuredDataNodes']['structuredDataNode'] = array(); foreach($_POST as $key => $value) { if (($key != "send-email")and($key != "save-to-cms") and ($key != "save-to-excel") and (substr($key, -1 * strlen("_REQUIRED")) != "_REQUIRED") and ($key != "emails") and ($key != "form-config")) { #if($dataDefType != "Generic Output") // use this for custom data definition output ${_EscapeTool.d}page['structuredData']['structuredDataNodes']['structuredDataNode'][] = array( 'identifier' => $key, 'type' => 'text', 'text' => $value ); #else // use this for generic data definition output: // // // // // // ${_EscapeTool.d}page['structuredData']['structuredDataNodes']['structuredDataNode'][] = array( 'identifier' => 'field', 'type' => 'group', 'structuredDataNodes' => array( 'structuredDataNode' => array( array( 'identifier' => 'id', 'text' => $key, 'type' => 'text'), array( 'identifier' => 'value', 'text' => $value, 'type' => 'text') ) ) ); #end } } $create_params = array ( 'authentication' => array( 'password' => $password, 'username' => $username ), 'asset' => array( 'page' => $page // Uncomment this section if a workflow should be started on creation of a page in Cascade using the form. // WorkflowName can be whatever the user wants. // WorkflowDefinitionPath should be the Workflow to be started. // WorkflowComments may be modified as well. /*, 'workflowConfiguration' => array( 'workflowName' => 'New Item', 'workflowDefinitionPath' => 'Create-Edit Workflow', 'workflowComments' => 'Asset created by outside user.' )*/ ) ); try { $client->create($create_params); } catch (Exception $e) { print_r($client->__getLastResponse()); print ($e->getMessage()); print("Error: File creation request failed to conform to the WSDL.
"); } } catch (Exception $e) { print_r($client->__getLastResponse()); print("Error: File creation request failed to conform to the WSDL.
"); } } } // If Excel option was chosen, upload Excel file to CMS if($excelFile) { $path = "${callingPageData.getChild('system-data-structure').getChild('resultsFile').getChild('formPath').getChild('path').text}"; if(($path != "") and ($path != "/")) { $folder = getParentFolderOutOfPath($path); $firstRow = array(); $thisRow = array(); foreach($_POST as $key => $value) { if (($key != "send-email")and($key != "save-to-cms")and($key != "save-to-excel")and(substr($key, -1 * strlen("_REQUIRED")) != "_REQUIRED")and($key != "emails")and($key != "form-config")) { $firstRow[$key] = $key; if (is_array($value)){ $thisRow[$key] = implode(", ", $value); }else{ $thisRow[$key] = $value; } } } $doc = array($firstRow, $thisRow); // generate excel file $xls = new Excel_XML; $xls->addArray ( $doc ); $create_params = array ( 'authentication' => array( 'password' => $password, 'username' => $username ), 'identifier' => array( 'path' => array( 'path' => $folder . "/".$fname.".xml", 'siteName' => '${siteName}' ), 'type' => "file" ) ); $client->read($create_params); $readResult=$client->__getLastResponse(); $exists_in_cms = substr($readResult, strpos($readResult, "")+9, 4)=="true"; try { if ($exists_in_cms) { $client->read($create_params); $res = $client->__getLastResponse(); $currentContent = substr($res,strripos($res, "")+6,strripos($res,"")-(strripos($res, "")+6)); $currentContent = fixLTGT($currentContent); $newRowPosition = strpos($currentContent, ""); $doc = array($thisRow); $xls = new Excel_XML; $xls->addArray ( $doc ); $docWithThisRow = $xls->generateXML(); $thisRowStartIndex = strpos($docWithThisRow, ""); $thisRowEndIndex = strpos($docWithThisRow, "")+6; $thisRowLength = $thisRowEndIndex-$thisRowStartIndex; $thisRow = substr($docWithThisRow, $thisRowStartIndex, $thisRowLength); $thisRow .= "\r\n"; $newContent = substr($currentContent, 0, $newRowPosition); $newContent .= $thisRow; $newContent .= substr($currentContent, $newRowPosition); $newContent = fixLTGT($newContent); $create_params = array ( 'authentication' => array( 'password' => $password, 'username' => $username ), 'asset' => array( 'file' => array( 'name' => $fname.".xml", 'parentFolderPath' => $folder, 'metadataSetPath' => "/Default", 'path' => $folder . "/".$fname.".xml", 'siteName' => '${siteName}', 'text' => $newContent ) ) ); try { $response = $client->edit($create_params); } catch (Exception $e) { print("Error: File edition request failed to conform to the WSDL.
"); } } else { try { $create_params = array ( 'authentication' => array( 'password' => $password, 'username' => $username ), 'asset' => array( 'file' => array( 'name' => $fname.".xml", 'parentFolderPath' => $folder, 'siteName' => '${siteName}', 'metadataSetPath' => "/Default", 'text' => $xls->generateXML() ) ) ); try { $response = $client->create($create_params); } catch (Exception $e) { print("Error: File creation request failed to conform to the WSDL.
"); } } catch (Exception $e) { print("Error: File creation request failed to conform to the WSDL.
"); } } } catch (Exception $e) { print("Error: finding folder in CMS.
"); } } } ?> [/system-view:external] #set ( $callingPageStructure = $_XPathTool.selectSingleNode($callingPageData, "system-data-structure") )


#set ( $formItems = $_XPathTool.selectNodes($callingPageStructure, "form_item") ) #foreach ($formItem in $formItems) #set ($outputOriginal = $formItem.getChild("name").text) #set ($output = $formItem.getChild("name").text.replace(" ", "_")) #set ($output2 = $output.replace("/", "_")) #set ($name = $output2) #set ($formItemType = $formItem.getChild("type").text) #if ($formItemType =='hidden') #else #end #end
#set ($formItemRequired = 'No') #set ($formItemRequired = $formItem.getChild("required").getChild("value").text) #set ($formItemDefaultValue = $formItem.getChild("default_value").text) #if ($formItemRequired == 'Yes') #end #set ( $formItemType = $formItem.getChild("type").text) #if ($formItemType =='dropdown') #elseif (($formItemType =='checkbox') || ($formItemType =='radio')) #if ($formItemDefaultValue == 'Yes' ) $formItem.getChild("default_value").text #end #set ( $valuesWithinForm2 = $_XPathTool.selectNodes($formItem, "value[string(text()) != string(default_value/text())]") ) #foreach ($valueWithinForm2 in $valuesWithinForm2) $valueWithinForm2.text #end #elseif ($formItemType =='textarea') #else #end

#if ($callingPageStructure.getChild("submit_button_text").text != '') #else #end #if ($callingPageStructure.getChild("reset").getChild("value").text == 'true') #end
[system-view:external] [/system-view:external]