# # Site Redirects # This file is managed by the CMS. IF you edit this locally your changes will be overwritten. # # Examples: # Permanent Redirects # Redirect 301 /test-redirect.html /examples/interior-landing-1/index.html # Redirect 301 /test-new.html /academics/ # # Regular Expression Matching Redirects - Redirect a specific page or folder with or without trailing slashes # RedirectMatch ^/(?i)graduate-programs/accounting/index.html(/|$) http://www.bus.miami.edu/graduate-programs/specialized-masters/accounting/index.html # RedirectMatch ^/(?i)graduate-programs/accounting-accelerated/index.html(/|$) http://www.bus.miami.edu/graduate-programs/specialized-masters/accounting-accelerated/index.html # # Site Redirect Redirect Temporary ^(.*)$ site://ACAD-COMM-welcome.miami.edu/index # Individual Redirect Redirect Permanent /test-html/ http://www.yahoo.com/ # Manual Redirects Redirect /test/index.html http://med.miami.edu/ ~