Unclear Access Rights

birwin's Avatar


23 Feb, 2015 06:19 PM

Hi there, Just a generic comment, I'm looking into setting more granular permissions for our users of Cascade, so I'm brushing up on Access rights etc.

Reviewing the content here: http://www.hannonhill.com/kb/Access-Rights/index.html it shows the Access Rights screen which I see in our CMS. What I find a little confusing/unclear is in step 4, it says "choose the "All Permission"

By indicating the "All" Permission, it's implying those 'words' are options. So the options I see are: "All", "None", "Read" and "Write". So there are 4 options... but only 3 radio buttons. So am I to assume the only options are: "All", "None" and "Read"?

In step 6 it says pick "Read" or "Write" but I assume this is for the items under the list since those are the only options.

It's just a little unclear and thought I'd ask.



  1. 1 Posted by Ryan Griffith on 23 Feb, 2015 08:06 PM

    Ryan Griffith's Avatar

    Hi Brendon,

    Our apologies for the confusion there.

    By indicating the "All" Permission, it's implying those 'words' are options. So the options I see are: "All", "None", "Read" and "Write". So there are 4 options... but only 3 radio buttons. So am I to assume the only options are: "All", "None" and "Read"?

    You are correct, the word All in this case is referring to the label to the left of the three radios: None, Read, Write. Perhaps a better to read this would be: "Choose a permission level for all users who are not explicitly listed in the table below."

    In step 6 it says pick "Read" or "Write" but I assume this is for the items under the list since those are the only options.

    You are correct, this step is referring to the dropdown to the right of the chosen user(s)/group(s) within the type-ahead search and the table of existing permissions.

    Please let me know if you have any questions.


  2. Ryan Griffith closed this discussion on 05 Mar, 2015 07:53 PM.

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