Building an Accurate XML Sitemap
We are building our XML sitemap and only want to include pages that are live on production. Sometimes we publish pages to staging weeks or months before they go live, and we don't want to have an incorrect sitemap that entire time.
Is there a way to do this?
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1 Posted by ces55739 on 07 Oct, 2014 06:22 PM
I should specify....
We have a Site for our live production pages.
Then we have a Site used for Staging. This is just to accurately see what the live would look like.
So there are times where we publish to staging for weeks or months, without publishing to production.
2 Posted by Wing Ming Chan on 08 Oct, 2014 11:47 AM
Will you consider using web services in PHP?
3 Posted by ces55739 on 08 Oct, 2014 03:17 PM
Could you give a brief explanation of how that could look with Sitemaps?
4 Posted by Wing Ming Chan on 08 Oct, 2014 03:55 PM
OK, I am not sure if this would fit the bill. But still, here are some details.
In Managing Orphans, I talked about how to compare pages and files between a production server and Cascade. There, if a file exists on the server but not in Cascade, it can be considered an orphan. In your case, it is the reverse: a file or a page existing in Cascade but not on your production server is not a candidate for the sitemap.
If I understand what you want correctly, then I will suggest these:
I hope these steps make sense to you.
5 Posted by rudinesbitt on 24 Nov, 2014 01:56 PM
Those steps worked for me Wing. I was also getting unwanted pages in my sitemap before they were ready for publishing.
Tim closed this discussion on 17 Apr, 2015 06:54 PM.