Facebook feed unable to render in cascade or publish.
Hey all,
In the past I've used the feed http://www.facebook.com/feeds/page.php?format=atom10&id=152307261519995&limit=4 in an RSS block to pass the facebook feed through cascade.
Recently Facebook must have changed their feeds to force HTTPS. When I put the feed in as https://www.facebook.com/feeds/page.php?format=atom10&id=152307261519995&limit=4 in the RSS Block, the feed doesnt render and wont publish to the site.
Any suggestions?
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1 Posted by Ryan Griffith on 29 Aug, 2014 12:50 AM
Hi Dave,
I was not able to reproduce this behavior in my local instance using the HTTPS link you provided when setting up a Feed Block. I have a few questions to see if we can narrow things down a bit:
Please let me know if you have any questions.
2 Posted by Dave B. Roberts on 29 Aug, 2014 02:32 PM
Hey Ryan,
It seems as though the Feed is not able to load when I preview it in cascade. All I get is an empty white area.
When I put the feed into a page, it just doesn't load the block or format that goes with it. The Facebook tab is essentially empty.
Currently we are using Cascade Server v7.2.1
3 Posted by Ryan Griffith on 29 Aug, 2014 02:38 PM
Thank you for following up, Dave.
When you have a moment, please attach your latest cascade.log from around the time you previewed the feed block so we can see if there are any errors associated with the preview. Also, note the approximate time you previewed the feed block.
4 Posted by Dave B. Roberts on 29 Aug, 2014 03:25 PM
Hey Ryan,
I've attached the log. I last tried to preview it at about 11:14am. Seems to have one error in there that is facebook related. Connection timed out.
5 Posted by Ryan Griffith on 15 Oct, 2014 12:23 PM
Hi Dave,
My apologies for the delayed response to your discussion. I wanted to follow up to see if you are still encountering the timeout issue with your Facebook feed block.
In the meantime, I just tested the following Facebook feed in my local 7.12.2 instance and was not able to reproduce the timeout:
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Ryan Griffith closed this discussion on 03 Nov, 2014 08:47 PM.