Back button weirdness
Our website went live over the weekend (yay!)
But, I have a weird issue that I'm not sure how to fix. If you go to the site and browse around a few pages and then go to a page in the quicklinks, if you hit back, it doesn't take you to the previous page you were on. It only does this if you've gone to a link in quicklinks. How do I fix this?
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1 Posted by Ryan Griffith on 03 Sep, 2013 07:56 PM
Hi Toni,
I believe the underlying issue is that your select box is using
, which does not add to the Window's History object, thus hitting the back button will take you to the page visited prior to the page where you used the Quick Links select box.HTML5 does provide a means of adding new states to
; however, I believe this is only supported in IE10+. Here is a post I found on Stackoverflow that discusses a few options. Here is an article I found regarding the HTML5 History API.I am going to open this discussion up to see if anyone else from the community may have additional feedback.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Ryan Griffith closed this discussion on 16 Oct, 2013 07:53 PM.