Asset Factories Permissions
I created an Asset Factory Container. The Asset Factory Container has two asset factories. However, they are not showing up in the New menu for the Group I want to have access to it. Here is the process I followed:
1. Under |Global|Administration|Users, Groups, & Roles| I created a Group.
2. To the Group I assigned users and a role of Contributor.
3. Then I went to Site Administration and assigned Site Contributor and Site Publisher, editable assets roles to the group.
4. Then I went to the site itself and the folder I wanted to grant access to. I clicked access on the folder Write Access to the folder. I made sure to check "Apply to Children" here.
5. Then I went to Administration | Asset Factories and granted Write Access to the Group to the Asset Factory Container. I also checkd "Apply to Children" here.
6. I made sure that the Asset Factories within the Asset Factory Container have the Group that needs permission to it.
However, nothing unded New Menu shows up for the group that is supposed to have access to this Asset Factory Container.
What am I missing?
Do I need to grant some kind of Access to top level Asset Factories Container that contains the Asset Factory I have created? If yes, what kind of permission do we want to give it? What about the Default Asset FActory Container? Do I need to assign permissions to that as well?
Please help.
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Support Staff 1 Posted by Tim on 21 May, 2013 12:12 PM
Hi Akbar,
Check out this article and let me know if that helps you to resolve this problem.
2 Posted by aehsan on 21 May, 2013 05:51 PM
Hi Tim,
That resolved the problem.
Support Staff 3 Posted by Tim on 21 May, 2013 05:58 PM
Perfect. Glad I was able to help! Take care, Akbar.
Tim closed this discussion on 21 May, 2013 05:58 PM.