Difficulty setting up Spectate Connector in Cascade 7.0.1

erikg's Avatar


20 Jun, 2012 08:25 PM

I am in the process of testing out Spectate and am having difficulty creating and verifying the Spectate Connector in Cascade 7.0.1. I had previously set up the Connector in 7.0 and was successful, but when I tried embedding a Spectate form now the process appeared to hang connecting to Spectate. I then tried to unverify and then reverify the Connector and I got the following error:

Could not parse response from server as JSON: [{"forms":{"account_id":308,"auto_responder_email_id":697,"background_color":"","completion_code":"","completion_load_url":"","completion_message":"

Thank you for filling out the form. We will get back to you shortly.

","completion_redirect_url":"","conversion_rate":0,"created_at":"2012-05-17T13:35:15-07:00","custom_css":"","font_family":"Arial","form_field_groups_count":0,"form_fields_count":6,"full_permalink":"contact-us-reed-college-form","id":1205,"is_allow_third_party_submissions":false,"is_cookie_lead":true,"is_place_cursor_first_field":true,"is_redirect_out_of_frame":false,"is_use_completion_message":true,"landing_page_id":null,"name":"Contact Us","page_views_count":null,"permalink":"contact-us-reed-college","short_url":"http://goo.gl/v8suJ","submit_button_text":"Submit","text_color":"","updated_at":"2012-06-20T11:49:44-07:00"}},{"forms":{"account_id":308,"auto_responder_email_id":null,"background_color":null,"completion_code":null,"completion_load_url":null,"completion_message":"

Thank you for signing up for our newsletter.

","completion_redirect_url":null,"conversion_rate":0,"created_at":"2012-05-17T13:35:16-07:00","custom_css":null,"font_family":null,"form_field_groups_count":0,"form_fields_count":1,"full_permalink":"newsletter-sign-up-reed-college-form","id":1206,"is_allow_third_party_submissions":false,"is_cookie_lead":true,"is_place_cursor_first_field":true,"is_redirect_out_of_frame":null,"is_use_completion_message":true,"landing_page_id":null,"name":"Newsletter Sign-up","page_views_count":null,"permalink":"newsletter-sign-up-reed-college","short_url":"http://goo.gl/FtNWB","submit_button_text":"Submit","text_color":null,"updated_at":"2012-05-17T13:35:16-07:00"}}]

Getting this, I then tried deleting the Connector entirely and setting it up again. I get the same message as above when I try to verify it, however. From what I'm seeing it looks like the connection was successful, pulling up the info for the two forms I have in Spectate, but it is unable to parse the result.


  1. 1 Posted by Bradley Wagner on 20 Jun, 2012 08:27 PM

    Bradley Wagner's Avatar

    Thanks Erik, that's an issue on the Spectate side that we're hoping to have a fix in for in the next 24 hours.

  2. 2 Posted by erikg on 20 Jun, 2012 08:28 PM

    erikg's Avatar

    Ah. Good to know. Thanks so much.

  3. 3 Posted by Bradley Wagner on 21 Jun, 2012 08:07 PM

    Bradley Wagner's Avatar

    Erick, this issue should be resolved now. Please give the connector a shot when you get a chance and let us know if you run into any other issues.

  4. Bradley Wagner closed this discussion on 21 Jun, 2012 08:07 PM.

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