Can't delete User

harlenweb's Avatar


06 Jun, 2012 03:55 PM

When I try to delete a particular user, I'm told that the user has locked assets and cannot be deleted. When I log in as the user, I'm told that there are no locked assets. A '?' is displayed in the asset field when trying to delete the user and viewing the locked asset - it isn't a link to a particular asset. I am using 6.10.9. Any way to circumvent this and delete the user? Any idea what might have happened? It's a test system, so no biggie, but if possible, would like to understand how to prevent in production. (This user has participated in workflow and might have saved drafts as well).


  1. Support Staff 1 Posted by Tim on 06 Jun, 2012 08:18 PM

    Tim's Avatar

    Hi Sara,

    It's possible that this is a leftover legacy issue. I believe we fixed some problems in more recent versions that will prevent this from occurring again. In the meantime, you should be able to clear the locks by executing the following SQL query:

    delete from cxml_entitylock where who='[username]'

    (where [username] is the user name in question)

    Once those locks are no longer associated with the User, you should be able to delete him/her.

    Let me know if this helps.


  2. 2 Posted by harlenweb on 06 Jun, 2012 08:26 PM

    harlenweb's Avatar


    This user was created in 6.10.9

    Sara Haradhvala
    Manager, Harlen Web Consulting LLC
    [email blocked]

  3. 3 Posted by harlenweb on 06 Jun, 2012 08:28 PM

    harlenweb's Avatar

    ... and it would be great if an admin could remove a user's locks (what if the user left the company?)

  4. Support Staff 4 Posted by Tim on 07 Jun, 2012 06:38 PM

    Tim's Avatar


    The '?' you mentioned that you noticed probably indicates that the asset is which is locked is in the Recycle Bin (or has been purged entirely). This could mean that the asset was locked by one user, then recycled by another. We are aware of this scenario and will be looking to prevent it in the future.

    If the asset happens to have been completely removed from the database, you could try running the Optimize Database tool with only the Remove orphaned records option selected. That should take care of it.

    Having said that, you may have already resolved this using the query I mentioned earlier.

    Let me know.


  5. 5 Posted by harlenweb on 08 Jun, 2012 02:04 PM

    harlenweb's Avatar

    Hi Tim,

    I tried restoring assets from the recycle bin, and still could not delete the user. I am passing this issue on to the IT team to follow up on your other suggestions .


  6. 6 Posted by harlenweb on 19 Jun, 2012 02:57 PM

    harlenweb's Avatar

    I did pass this on, Tim. Thanks for your help on this.


  7. Support Staff 7 Posted by Tim on 19 Jun, 2012 03:14 PM

    Tim's Avatar

    OK Sara, thanks for the update! Just let me know if your IT team still has problems with it and we'll be happy to assist further.

  8. Tim closed this discussion on 19 Jun, 2012 03:14 PM.

  9. harlenweb re-opened this discussion on 19 Jun, 2012 03:19 PM

  10. 8 Posted by harlenweb on 19 Jun, 2012 03:19 PM

    harlenweb's Avatar

    Thanks, Tim. FYI: the contact on this will be Ian Rifkin.

    Sara Haradhvala
    Manager, Harlen Web Consulting LLC
    [email blocked]

  11. Tim closed this discussion on 19 Jun, 2012 03:20 PM.

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