"Compare with Current" re-visited for 6.10.9

Allie's Avatar


14 May, 2012 03:08 PM

Hi there,
We are trying to get a sense of how the "compare with current" (cwc) feature works for 6.10.9. with assets using data definitions. Based on the post at http://help.hannonhill.com/discussions/general/53-does-the-compare-..., cwc should not work for changes made to data definition fields; while this ticket https://hannonhill.jira.com/browse/CSI-36 seems to indicate that cwc works with data definitions. Am I misreading something? Based on our experience with 6.10.9 - the feature seems to be highly inconsistent, i.e. not working, when we make changes to data definition fields. As almost all of our pages use data definitions, such feature would be really helpful for our editors and content approvers, and we are hoping it would eventually work for data definition fields.
Thanks for any clarification in advance!

  1. 1 Posted by Bradley Wagner on 14 May, 2012 05:21 PM

    Bradley Wagner's Avatar

    Hi, the second link that you provided does not resolve for us. The Compare with Current functionality will work for a page with a Data Definition attached. However, what it does is compare the rendered version of the page with a previous rendered version. This means that you will not be able to see specific differences between data definition fields in versions but only what effect those changes had on the rendered version of the page.

    Please let me know if that makes sense or if I can clarify that in any way.


  2. 2 Posted by Allie on 14 May, 2012 05:30 PM

    Allie's Avatar

    Hi Bradley,
    I just corrected the second link - it should be pointing to your JIRA ticket.

    Based on your clarification, I do have a problem then: I inserted some video embedding code, using an "object" tag, in one data definition field, saved a version; then removed the video embedding code and saved another version. There is a visual difference between both versions when they are rendered inside Cascade. However, the CWC feature detects no changes.

  3. 3 Posted by Bradley Wagner on 14 May, 2012 08:02 PM

    Bradley Wagner's Avatar

    Could you include just a snippet of the rendered HTML of these page -- the old version and the new one -- as attachments to this discussion so I can be clear about the changes? My guess without seeing is that the Compare with Current tool doesn't have a good way to graphically represent that a video was removed from a page.

    You can get the page content by:

    1. Right-clicking on on the page in the Layout pane of the View tab
    2. Select View Frame Source (or the equivalent in whatever browser you're using)
    3. Copy-past the output of the page's to an HTML file
    4. Attach those documents to this discussion.


  4. 4 Posted by Allie on 14 May, 2012 08:15 PM

    Allie's Avatar

    See attached as requested. Thank you.

  5. 5 Posted by Allie on 17 May, 2012 01:55 PM

    Allie's Avatar

    Hi there,
    Just saw errors like this one in the server log that were associated with the CWC feature:

    2012-05-11 11:39:48,065 ERROR [CascadeExceptionHandler] {User: oneuser, id: userid, type: page} An error occurred: Could not generate difference: the page being compared had no configuration with the name 'html'.
    (Note, "html" is one of the configuration sets used by the page)

    This was not associated with the test case I provided earlier - it was another case that CWC appearred to be not working as our users expected. Anything we need to check and do differently?

    Hope this helps.

  6. 6 Posted by Bradley Wagner on 22 May, 2012 02:20 PM

    Bradley Wagner's Avatar

    Hi Allie,

    It looks like the compare with current tool does not have a good way of visually indicating the addition of an <object> to your <h1> header.

    The most recent error that you mentioned appears to be an issue with the past version of a page. It looks like one version of your page has an output/configuration called html but the other version does not. Can you try just viewing the page's versions and attaching screenshots of them so we can see what page outputs each version has?

  7. 7 Posted by Allie on 22 May, 2012 09:58 PM

    Allie's Avatar

    Hi Bradley,
    In the first case involving tag ( or ) for embedding video content, I agree with you that the CWC tool is not clearly indicating the difference. In addition, I embedded a YouTube video using first, and then swapped in another YouTube video - the CWC tool says "No changes detected".

    In the second case, it is true that the older version has a "html" configuration, but the current version does not have it anymore. So this is not a CWC issue.

  8. 8 Posted by Bradley Wagner on 23 May, 2012 02:36 AM

    Bradley Wagner's Avatar

    Yea, so it sounds like the improvement to file on our idea exchange is to provide a way to visually indicate:

    • that a <video>, <object>, <iframe> tag was added or removed from a page
    • that the contents of the tag itself have changed -- e.g. the video being referenced
  9. Bradley Wagner closed this discussion on 23 May, 2012 02:36 AM.

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