Can't edit table roles or columns in Wysiwyg Mode

Eric's Avatar


14 Oct, 2015 08:01 PM

I'm having exactly this problem:

In wysiwyg Mode, table rows and columns appear to be read-only and non-editable.

> I have full access to everything because I'm the person who develops the website.
> The html code that creates the table is lengthy, but it's valid - I've carefully combed over the HTML code and run it through a validator to see if code was causing this to happen, but the HTML is valid and clean.

So, if this problem is popping up around my campus and if other users have had this problem as well, is it a known bug/issue? If so, how do your users typically work-around this when it happens?

  1. 1 Posted by Ryan Griffith on 14 Oct, 2015 08:17 PM

    Ryan Griffith's Avatar

    Hi Eric,

    As the discussion you linked mentions, this is most likely a limitation and/or issue with TinyMCE's table plugin. Unfortunately we do not have control over the code for TinyMCE plugins, so there is little we can do short of rewriting the plugin.

    When you have a moment, please attach the HTML you are working with so I can do some local testing. I am hoping perhaps the upgrade to TinyMCE 4 that is coming up in Cascade 8 will resolve the issue.

    Please let me know if you have any questions.


  2. 2 Posted by MacLeod, Emily on 14 Oct, 2015 08:56 PM

    MacLeod, Emily's Avatar

    I hadn’t realized it’s a TinyMCE issue! That’s inconvenient, but not much you can do.

    The HTML isn’t very complex at all, it’s just….

  3. 3 Posted by Ryan Griffith on 16 Oct, 2015 12:36 PM

    Ryan Griffith's Avatar

    Hi Eric,

    Checking the source code of the TinyMCE table plugin, it does appear the row and column fields are being disabled when updating an existing table. Looks like it has been this way since ~2006.

    My best guess is the reason for this is they might prefer the use of the row and column context menus (right click within a row or column) to insert (before or after) and delete.

    Looking forward at TinyMCE 4 which will be shipped with Cascade 8, the rows/columns fields are removed entirely from the table properties dialog in favor of the row and column context menus. Also, you will notice table creation now begins with a visual builder of sorts, making table creation more user friendly.

    Please let me know if you have any questions.


  4. Tim closed this discussion on 29 Oct, 2015 04:57 PM.

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