& symbol in data definitions

Justin "JET" Turner's Avatar

Justin "JET" Turner

May 14, 2015 @ 03:11 PM


I have found that using & symbols in dropdowns/multi-select value fields occasionally cause issues.

I narrowed down what appears to produce the error repeatedly

Data Definition Field

            <text type="dropdown" identifier="college" label="College">
                <dropdown-item value="College of Arts &amp; Letters"/>
                <dropdown-item value="College of Education"/>
                <dropdown-item value="College of Health Sciences and Professions"/>
                <dropdown-item value="College of Science &amp; Mathematics"/>
                <dropdown-item value="Mike Cottrell College of Business"/>

If anything in the data definition is edited via the GUI editor, all of the &amp; become &, and you are unable to submit the data definition without going through and re-adding the amp; after each one.

I have found that if you edit the DD and then go into XML view and make changes, it doesn't strip the amp;, as long as you make no changes from the GUI editor.

This particular data definition also has a listing of all of our departments, so it ends up stripping around 10-15 amp; that I have to put in manually when I want to use the GUI editor.

Version 7.12.4

Thanks for looking into this,

  1. 1 Posted by Ryan Griffith on May 14, 2015 @ 04:05 PM

    Ryan Griffith's Avatar

    Hi Justin,

    Based on your description, it sounds as though you are running into this known defect in which submitting a Data Definition that contains ampersands can throw an error due to the ampersand not being encoded.

    Feel free to use this link to track the progress of this issue or keep an eye out for it on our Release Notes site.

    Unfortunately, until the defect is resolved, the only workaround would be to either remove the ampersands or fix them as you are doing now.

    Please let me know if you have any questions.


  2. Justin "JET" Turner closed this discussion on May 29, 2015 @ 03:20 PM.

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