Cacade 7.12 Broken Link Report seems... broken
Sounds sort of weird, but I started testing 7.12 and I am having a problem with the broken link report generation. It seems that when it's generating a report, I'm getting a SQL failure which is disconnecting Cascade server from the database.
I've traced it to the new cxml_brokenlinkreportrecord table and the linkPath column. I'm getting errors like this in my catalina.out:
2014-08-21 07:14:22,222 ERROR [JDBCExceptionReporter] : Data truncation: Data too long for column 'linkPath' at row 1
2014-08-21 07:14:22,222 ERROR [AbstractFlushingEventListener] : Could not synchronize database state with session
org.hibernate.exception.DataException: could not insert: [com.hannonhill.cascade.model.dom.BrokenLinkReportRecord]
followed by:
2014-08-21 07:14:27,483 ERROR [BrokenLinkReportServiceImpl] : Broken link report could not be generated for site: Global
com.hannonhill.cascade.model.task.TaskException: Task failed: com.hannonhill.cascade.model.service.datacheck.BrokenLinkReportPersistTask@10558a80: could not insert: [com.hannonhill.cascade.model.dom.BrokenLinkReportRecord]; nested exception is org.hibernate.exception.DataException: could not insert: [com.hannonhill.cascade.model.dom.BrokenLinkReportRecord]
This is only one of many different sites that give me this error. From what I can see in the database, the linkPath column is varchar(500). There is no RFC or specification for the length of URL's, but practical (browser) limitations are usually set at 2048 characters. I'm tempted to shutdown Cacsade and alter my database to increase the length to varchar(2048), or even to change the datatype to TEXT.
I just enabled DEBUG logging on com.hannonhill.cascade.model.service.BrokenLinkReportServiceImpl and am running the link checker again. I will attach the log file when I see that the report is finished.
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1 Posted by Ryan Griffith on 22 Aug, 2014 06:09 PM
Hi Jim,
The error you are encountering is due to this known defect in which links longer than 500 characters causes the Broken Link Report to abort and not record its results. Feel free to use this link to track the progress of this issue or keep an eye out for it on our Release Notes site.
This issue was set to high priority and it looks as though it should be resolved in the next patch release for 7.12. I do not have an official timeline for the patch; however, it should be in the near future.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Ryan Griffith closed this discussion on 03 Sep, 2014 07:58 PM.
Ryan Griffith re-opened this discussion on 03 Sep, 2014 07:58 PM
2 Posted by Ryan Griffith on 03 Sep, 2014 08:34 PM
Hi Jim,
I wanted to follow up to let you know that Cascade Server 7.12.1 has been released. This patch includes a fix to the Broken Link report that increases the column length for the link path, which should resolve the behavior you were running into.
Please let me know if you have any questions or if you continue to experience the behavior after upgrading.
Ryan Griffith closed this discussion on 12 Sep, 2014 12:58 PM.