Getting "integrity constraint" error when trying to remove repeatable element from page

Darren's Avatar


07 Jan, 2014 09:27 PM


We have a page type that has content sections setup as repeatable elements in the data definition. Content managers can add/remove as many content sections as they like. The issue we're seeing, is that attempting to remove one of the sections triggers a database error.

The error we're seeing for both is found in the cascade.log on line 314848 for page B. The error is:
ERROR [JDBCExceptionReporter] ORA-02292: integrity constraint (CASCADE.FK_SDATA_NEXT) violated - child record found

Our users see:
An error occurred during editing: Could not execute JDBC batch update; nested exception is org.hibernate.exception.ConstraintViolationException: Could not execute JDBC batch update

We experienced this issue first on 12/19/2013 with page A. I was able to get the repeatable sections deleted by deleting the last section, saving, editing, deleting last section, saving, etc. Deleting a section other than the last section or deleting multiple sections before a save resulted in a database integrity constraint error - child record found.

The second time around I increased logging from Info to Debug at 2014-01-07 10:05am for org.hibernate classes. Page B was already in edit mode at the time I enabled the debugging. I attempted to delete a section and clicked submit at 10:07:24am

This error is in a different site and uses a different content type than the previous error but the content types use the same data definition.

Page B had 7 repeatable sections, I tried to delete 1 but errored. It allowed me to reorder the repeatable sections. Tried to move it to the last position and delete it but errored. Tried to add a new section to make 8 but now can't remove either of the 2 we want to remove.

Page Info:
page B: UD Main: /apply/events/hotel_receptions
page B id = 2e037a990a480e59013892b397656322
user editing the page = delking1 and is an Administrator in the system

page A: Arts and Sciences: /music_grad/program_goals
page A id = 0c8258930a480e99562774461dfe8a9b
user editing the page = delking1 (administrator) and mtimko1 (manager)

In both cases we've been able to workaround the issue so it's not pressing. I want to make sure this isn't a bug that might hurt us down the road.


  1. 1 Posted by Darren on 07 Jan, 2014 09:30 PM

    Darren's Avatar

    Failed to mention we're on version 7.8.

  2. Support Staff 2 Posted by Tim on 07 Jan, 2014 10:06 PM

    Tim's Avatar

    Hi Darren,

    A couple of questions for you to see if we can reproduce this locally:

    • Can you attach the Data Definition you are using for the Pages in question?
    • Can you tell me if the Page is getting automatically saved as a Draft when you are removing those fields?
    • Does running the DB Optimizer Tool on Structured Data correct the issue? (**System Menu -> Utilities -> Database Tools -> Optimize Database**; then, check the box to Repair Structured Data).


  3. 3 Posted by Darren on 08 Jan, 2014 01:20 PM

    Darren's Avatar


    Thanks for the quick response.

    • Attached is the data definition.
    • The page does save drafts as we're working on it. I've waited until the draft save is complete before submitting thinking that might be interfering but issue is still there.
    • We can try the DB Optimizer Tool. Are there any concerns with running it? i.e. breaking existing content, bogging down the system, etc. Wondering if I should run it off hours or if we need to do a DB backup before running the tool.


  4. Support Staff 4 Posted by Tim on 08 Jan, 2014 06:43 PM

    Tim's Avatar


    Thanks for that information.

    Are there any concerns with running it? i.e. breaking existing content, bogging down the system, etc. Wondering if I should run it off hours or if we need to do a DB backup before running the tool.

    There shouldn't be any problems, but it's never a bad idea to create a backup of the database just to be absolutely safe. I don't foresee any issues with running it during the day, but feel free to wait until after hours to do so (or during a time when a low number of users are in the system).

  5. 5 Posted by Darren on 04 Feb, 2014 02:05 PM

    Darren's Avatar


    We were able to run the DB Optimizer tool and it resolved the integrity constraint issue we saw. Our repeatable elements are deleted and we're all set.

    Sorry for the delay in moving on this issue.


  6. Support Staff 6 Posted by Tim on 04 Feb, 2014 02:12 PM

    Tim's Avatar


    Thanks for the update! Given that the DB optimizer corrected this problem, our 7.8.2+ patch release should prevent this from occurring in your instance.

    Have a good one!

  7. Tim closed this discussion on 04 Feb, 2014 02:12 PM.

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